Mariborsko Pohorje with Areh
Mariborsko Pohorje se vzpenja nMaribor's Pohorje rises above the southern part of Maribor and continues towards Areh. Together with the latter, it represents an attractive tourist, sports, and recreational center in both the winter and summer seasons. It offers numerous opportunities for recreation and pleasant relaxation in the embrace of nature. Activities in the natural environment, which is close yet sufficiently removed from the hustle and bustle of the city, include skiing, cycling, hiking, and various adrenaline experiences. Pohorje and the area beneath it also offer a diverse range of cabins, local establishments, and južnim delom Maribora in nadaljuje proti Arehu. Skupaj s slednjim predstavlja privlačno turistično, športno in rekreacijsko središče tako v zimski kot poletni sezoni. Ponuja številne možnosti rekreacije in prijetne sprostitve v objemu narave. Aktivnosti v naravnem okolju, ki je blizu, a hkrati dovolj umaknjeno od mestnega vrveža, vključujejo od smučanja, kolesarjenja, pohodništva, do raznih adrenalinskih doživetij. Na Pohorju in pod njim je na razpolago tudi pestra ponudba koč, lokalov in hotelov.
Mariborsko Pohorje with Areh
Mariborsko Pohorje rises above the southern part of Maribor and continues towards Areh. Together with the latter, it represents an attractive tourist, sports, and recreational center in both the winter and summer seasons. It offers numerous opportunities for recreation and pleasant relaxation in the embrace of nature. Activities in the natural environment, which is close yet sufficiently removed from the hustle and bustle of the city, include skiing, cycling, hiking, and various adrenaline experiences. Pohorje and the area beneath it also offer a diverse range of cabins, local establishments, and hotels.
Mariborsko Pohorje with Areh
Mariborsko Pohorje rises above the southern part of Maribor and continues towards Areh. Together with the latter, it represents an attractive tourist, sports, and recreational center in both the winter and summer seasons. It offers numerous opportunities for recreation and pleasant relaxation in the embrace of nature. Activities in the natural environment, which is close yet sufficiently removed from the hustle and bustle of the city, include skiing, cycling, hiking, and various adrenaline experiences. Pohorje and the area beneath it also offer a diverse range of cabins, local establishments, and hotels.